
Governing Council

The Governing Council provides governance and strategic directions to the School. The Governing Council consists of elected parents/carers of students at the school, 1 staff member, and the Principal. The Governing Council also has community representatives.


The role of the Governing Council is to

  • Involve the school community in the governance of the school
  • Set the broad direction and vision for the school
  • Strategic planning
  • Determine policies for the school
  • Determine the application of the total funding resources of the school
  • Report to the school community and the Minister in relation to the strategic plan, the finances of the school and its operational plans.

We encourage parents & carers to be involved in our school community by joining a Governing Council subcommittee. Subcommittees include Grounds & Facilities, Sports, Out of School Hours Care, Finance, Events and Fundraising.

Information and nominations for membership of the newly formed Governing Council effective the following year’s AGM will be called in late term 4 the year prior. Representation will also be sought for the subcommittees of Governing Council.

Council meetings are on Tuesday evenings in the 3rd and 8th week of the term, 6.00pm to 7.30pm.

Feel free to connect with a member of Governing Council through this email address: PPSGC.GoverningCouncil362@schools.sa.edu.au

More information is available at https://www.decd.sa.gov.au/sites-and-facilities/governing-councils